Welcome to the ECPYN blogspot!

This blogspot was started by the participants of the 5th International Summer School of ECPYN in Chisinau, Moldova, August 24-29 2008.
You can also visit our official website at www.ecpyn.org, follow ECPYN on Twitter or join our facebook group. Opinions expressed on this blog do not necessarily represent official ECPYN positions.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Congress for ECPYN memberorganisations in Western Europe

Groningen, January 28, 2009

Dear reader,

We warmly invite you to join us in Hellenthal, Germany (near Aix-la-Chapelle), March 27 – 29, for the Regional Conference for Western Europe of the European Christian Political Youth Network (ECPYN). This mini-conference will be a training weekend for up to twenty young people involved in political organisations from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France and Switzerland.

The weekend will include workshops on ‘internal organisation and training of young people in executive positions’, ‘making your political positions known effectively’ in politics and in the media for example and ‘setting up local branches that last’. Most workshops will be given by experienced people of PerspectivE.
PerspectivE is the youth organisation of the Christian Union party and with some 2.500 members the second largest political youth organisation of the Netherlands. Other speakers include Kris Vleugels, vice president of the European Christian Political Movement (ECPM) and Dick van Dijk, auditor for the Directorate General for Regional policy of the European Commission and international secretary of the Christian Union party.
If you are not yet acquainted with ECPYN, this will also be a good occasion to learn more about our organisation and what it stands for. It is obviously also a good opportunity for meeting politically involved young Christians from neighbouring countries.

You can participate in this training weekend for only 35,- EUR. This includes accommodations, breakfast, lunch and tea/coffee. You can find more information and a full programme of this event at www.ecpyn.org/westerneurope .

On the website you will find an application form. We hope that you will be able to join us for this event that promises to be very educative and inspiring. Of course you are free to bring others to this event, simply complete the registration form and send it in. In case you might not be able to be there yourself, please pass this invitation on to others in your organisation who might. Please remember to send in your registration form before February 22.

If you have any questions regarding the conference, please feel free to contact Auke Minnema, Secretary of Regional Meetings, who will be coordinating it (by e-mail: rm@ecpyn.org or check the website).

We are looking forward to seeing you at our conference in Hellenthal and hope to hear from you soon!

Kind regards, on behalf of Jonathan van Tongeren (Secretary General),

Auke Minnema
Secretary of Regional Meetings

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