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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christians in Politics Portal, the new platform for discussion on Christian democracy!
To make this website a success however, we need your help! Not only by reading the articles and visiting the website, but also by contributing relevant articles yourself (as long as they are free to be published on our website). Of course you also contribute by joining the discussions and by letting us know how we can improve the portal.
Right now, our database is still quite small, but we aim to add several articles each month. New articles, from all continents, will be placed on the website and added to the database. In the future, we also want to enlarge the possibilities for interactive discussions on our website.
We hope that you appreciate this new initiative and hope to see you soon on our website http://www.christianpoliticsportal.org.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christine Boutin responds to the polemic on the minarets:

“After 40 years of soixante-huitard thought, does one have to avoid recalling that our country is of Christian tradition?”
For the President of the Christian-Democratic Party, “the dialogue between people should not be conducted by erasing eachother's history and traditions”.

“Our country is full of Judeo-Christian tradition and laic humanism, this is why it allows a place to all beliefs. That is not new, as is demonstrated by the construction of the Large Mosque of Paris in homage to those of Islamic faith who fell in the First World War. We should not allow ourselves to think that France is virgin of any cultural or spiritual reference. The minarets symbolize the territory of Islam and France is not a territory of Islam. If France wishes to allow all the Muslims who live there to live their religion in a free way, open and decent; it is in the name of a long tradition of freedom of worship and separation between politics and religion. The generalization of the construction of minarets would lead people to think that France has ceased to defend its values and its history.”
Translated from the original French by Jonathan van Tongeren
Source: www.partichretiendemocrate.fr
Friday, December 4, 2009
Support the registration of Belarusian Christian Democracy by sending a solidarity petition to the Belarusian government and the President!
the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party requests you to support the process of our state registration by sending a solidarity petition to the Belarusian government and the President of Belarus.
In these documents you'll the find the account of repressions against the BCD founders (Word Document, 53 KB) and the draft of the petition (Word Document, 25.5 KB).
The addresses of the recipients are below.
We are hoping for your cooperation,
BCD co-chairpersons
Paval Sieviarynets, Vital Rymasheuski, Alaksiej Shein, Heorhi Dzmitruk.
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus http://www.government.by/en/eng_contacts.html
11 Sovetskaya St., Minsk 220010
(House of Government)
Fax: (8-017) 222-66-65
Email: contact@government.by
Press Secretary of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
Aleksandr M. Timoshenko
Тel./Fax: (8-017) 222-41-73
Email: timoshenko@government.by
Citizens correspondence and consultation Department
9 Sovetskaya St., Minsk 220010
Tel.: (8-017) 222-60-46
BCD international committee
Scrisoare deschisa din partea unui grup de tineri romani care studiaza in strainatate
Draga Romania,
Nu ne scriem foarte des. Ne vizitam la rastimpuri, dar nu ne mai intelegem de foarte mult timp. Iti scriem acum pentru ca mai mult ca in alte dati trebuie sa deschizi ochii. De ceva timp primim intrebari pe strada, la ore, de la cunoscuti : « De ce la 20 de ani de la revolutie mai votezi comunistii ?» Ne este greu sa raspundem pentru ca ne este greu sa ne uitam inapoi. Privelistea este mult prea trista si, de multe ori, de neinteles.
Am plecat, cu mai mult sau mai putin timp in urma, cu speranta de mai bine. Lucurile pareau sa fi intrat pe un fagas normal, parea ca, incet dar sigur, ceva avea sa se intample. Povesteam cu mandrie colegilor mai europeni decat noi cum Romania incepe sa devina ceea ce ne-am fi dorit cu totii sa devina : o tara puternica, cu cetateni informati si implicati. O tara de care eram mandri. O tara careia nu-i era teama sa lupte pentru idealuri, pentru principii, pentru viitor. Astazi, in schimb, dezamagirea ne-a cuprins pe toti. Ce blestem te bantuie, Romania, ca sa iti poti inca iubi calaii ? Calaii care mai intai te-au saracit ca sa te poata manipula mai usor. Calaii care, apoi, si-au dat seama ca nu e asa greu sa obtina ce-si doresc.
Cativa potentati au ajuns in posesia principalelor mijloace media. Cunoastem puterea lor pentru ca traim si noi intr-o societate dependenta de media. Numai ca in Romania lucrurile si-au pierdut de mult echilibrul. Televiziunile au ajuns doar mijloace de manipulare a deciziei politice. Televiziunile au creat imaginea unei dictaturi inchipuite ca sa acopere adevarata dictatura a parlamentului. Ieri, pe 1 decembrie, televiziunea nationala a uitat sa iti spuna La Multi Ani. A ales, in schimb, sa transmita intalnirea electorala a unui candidat. Tot ieri, bunul simt a fost injosit, cand principalele televiziuni de stiri au mintit in legatura cu contra-manifestatia timisorenilor.
Si, a propos de Timisoara, ieri ai fost umilita ca parca niciodata pana acum. Eroii Timisoarei si ai rezistentei anticomuniste au murit ieri a doua oara cand au fost folositi atat de cinic de chiar criminalul lor. Ai putea, poate, crede ca nu stim ce s-a intamplat. Ca suntem tineri, ca n-ar trebui sa vorbim asa usor despre trecut. Dar uiti, draga Romania, ca avem cu totii parinti. Bunici. Oameni care au fost acolo, de fata atunci cand oprimarea a devenit insuportabila. Oameni pe care i-am ascultat, infricosati, povestind despre durerile trecutului. Oameni care, in 1990, treceau granita in Bulgaria, ca sa ne cumpere lapte sau jucarii. Oameni pe care noi ii respectam, pentru ca ne-au dat tot ce aveau mai bun. Tu, insa, se pare ca nu-i mai respecti. Ti-ai pierdut oare, la 20 de ani, respectul fata de cei care ti-au (re)dat viata ?
N-am uitat, Romania, si nu putem uita ce-a fost. Nu putem uita povestile bunicilor, mai inspaimantatoare decat orice film horror, pentru simplul motiv ca s-au intamplat cu adevarat. Foamea. Frigul. Frica. Lipsurile. Mineriadele. Mai mult decat atat, nu putem uita ceea ce chiar noi am trait, in 2000-2004. Baronii locali. Jurnalistii anihilati. Spalarea de bani. Ouale domnului Nastase. Palmierii domnului Agathon. Decimarea fondului forestier. Lipsa oricaror investitii straine solide. Privatizarile pe un euro. Programul « cornul si laptele » sau, mai precis, « cornul mucegait si laptele acrit ». Ti-aduci aminte acum ?
Ce este insa poate cel mai dureros este eliminarea oricaror standarde in dezbaterea electorala. Filme trucate, acuzatii fictive sau nu, umplu ecranul telvizorului. A avea « fata de presedinte » devine mai important decat a avea forta de a fi presedinte. Stirea unei numiri romanesti in Comisia Europeana sau o dezbatere pe politica externa intre candidati sunt ingropate de « dezbateri » lipsite de candidati. E atat de simplu, Romania, sa-ti dai seama ca esti manipulata. E atat de simplu, si nu e prea tarziu. Deschide ochii si priveste in jur : cine sunt ce-i care-ti vor binele ? In 2004, ca un copil abuzat, ti-ai castigat dreptul la emancipare. Iar acum vrei sa te intorci ? La aceleasi probleme pe care le cunosti deja ? La aceleasi tristeti ? Sau mergi inainte, pe o cale nu neaparat usoara, dar corecta ? Gandeste-te bine.
Nu esti un stat de drept, Romania. Esti un stat nereformat in care magistratii isi permit sa intre in greva sfidandu-l si sfidandu-ne. Un stat in care parlamentul si oamenii politici sunt marile piedici in calea reformei. Un stat in care cei care incearca sa reformeze sunt acoperiti cu mocirla de cei care au creat problemele. Un stat care nu vrem sa fie al nostru si in care nu vrem sa ne crestem copiii. Dar avem inca incredere in tine. Duminica hotarasti daca iti imbratisezi sau nu calaii. Duminica hotarasti cat pret pui pe vietile celor care s-au sacrificat pentru tine. Duminica hotarasti daca ne intorci inca o data spatele sau nu. Duminica putem fi mandri sau dezamagiti. Tine doar de tine.
Cu multa dragoste,
Un grup de tineri romani care studiaza in strainatate (lista e deschisa – lasati un comment)
Bogdan Ivanel, Masterand in Studii Rusesti si Est Europene la Universitatea Oxford
Ermina Strutinschi, Masterand in Studii Rusesti si Est Europene la Universitatea Oxford
Rafaela Peteanu, Student la Stiinte Sociale si Umaniste la Universitatea Utrecht
Delia Nicolaescu, Masterand in Media Culture la Universitatea Maastricht
Adnana Cruceanu, Student la Stiinte Sociale la Universitatea Utrecht
Ioana Garlea, Masterand in Fizica Teoretica la Universitatea Utrecht
Tamara Baleanu, Masterand in Culture and Society la London School of Economics (LSE)
Flavia Grosan, Student la Electrical Engineering and Computer Science la Jacobs University Bremen
Lucian Mocanu, Student la Computer Science la Jacobs University Bremen
Stefan Rusu, Masterand in Marketing International si Management la BI Norwegian School of Management
Adelina Popescu, Student la Stiinte Sociale la Universitatea Utrecht
Alexandra Rusu, Studenta la Studii Economice la Universitatea Utrecht
Otilia Ciobanu, Student la Stiinte Sociale la Universitatea Utrecht
Iuliana Kanya, Studenta la Bute Medical School la University of St Andrews
Mihai Voica, Masterand in Inginerie Electrica la Jacobs University Bremen
Ioana-Delia Grigoriu, Student la Computer Systems Engineering with Business Management la Universitatea Birmingham
Silvana Enculescu, Masterand in International Journalism la Universitatea Leeds
Irina Teodora Gheorghe, Masterand in “Science in Operational Research” la School of Maths and Engineering a Universitatii din Edinburgh
Rimona Afana, Masterand in Studii de Conflict la Universitatea din Amsterdam
Carmen Manea, Student la Media & Cultural Studies with Global Politics la Canterbury Christ Church University
Sergiu Damian, Masterand in Comunicare la Universitatea de Sud, Kolding, Danemarca
Eugen, Doctor la TU Delft, in prezent cercetator la Philips Research
Claudia Silaghi, Masterand College of Europe
Iulia Strat, Student la Stiinte Sociale la Universitatea Utrecht
Daniela Vitelaru, Masterand in Fashion Comunication la Istituto Europeo di Design din Milano
Ana Chilea, Student cu dubla licenta drept-engleza la Universite Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Alexandru-Eugen Ichim, Student la Electrical Engineering and Computer Science la Jacobs University Bremen
Ana-Maria Oprescu, Doctorand in Informatica la Vrije Universiteit din Amsterdam
Ioan Bucuras, Student la Stiinte Politice la Universitatea din Viena
Andra-Gabriela Iliescu, Masterand in Science in International Finance la Universitatea Essex
Natan Mladin, Doctorand în Teologie la Queen’s University din Belfast
Vasile Pasca, Masterand in Estudos Europeus do Instituto de Estudos Europeus la Universidade Católica Portuguesa din Lisabona
G. Vega, Student, Londra
Razvan Stanica, Doctorand in Retele si Telecomunicatii la Universitatea din Toulouse
sursa: Blogul lui Bogdan Ivanel
Friday, November 13, 2009
1. Landesparteitag der AUF in Sachsen: Bericht
Auf den Tag genau ein Jahr nach Gründung des Landesverbands Sachsen fand am 31. Oktober 2009 in Dresden der erste ordentliche Landesparteitag der AUF-Sachsen statt. Im Mittelpunkt standen dabei die Beiträge der drei Gastredner Winfried Amelung, Dieter Burr und Maik Förster.
Bei strahlend schönem Wetter trafen sich die AUF-Mitglieder in den Räumen der Jesusgemeinde in Dresden.
Es waren neben den Mitgliedern unseres Landesverbandes auch der Bundesschatzmeister Dieter Burr mit seiner Frau Elisabeth, Winfried Amelung, Pfr.i.R., Maik Förster, Abgeordneter im Kreistag Bautzen, Jonathan van Tongeren, ECPYN, als Gäste gekommen.
Nach der Eröffnung trug der Landesvorsitzende den Rechenschaftsbericht vor. Steffen Uhlig erinnerte nochmals an die Höhepunkte des vergangenen Jahres, betonte aber gleichzeitig, dass es trotz massiver Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei der Unterschriftenaktion zur Europawahl nicht zu einer wesentlichen Zunahme an Mitgliedern kam.
Als Schwerpunkte der Arbeit des LV Sachsen in den kommenden Monaten sieht er in der Mitarbeit bei der weiteren Gestaltung des Grundsatzprogramms der Partei sowie der verstärkten Arbeit der Mitglieder an der Basis, d.h. der konkreten intensiven Beschäftigung mit den Themen der örtlichen Parlamente im Abgleich zu den Interessen der Menschen im jeweiligen Umfeld. Außerdem soll eine möglichst enge Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen christlichen Kleinparteien in Sachsen angestrebt werden. Hier könne Sachsen richtungweisend für die anderen Bundesländer sein.
Im Anschluss erfolgte, durch die Landesschatzmeisterin Ingrid Hartmann, die Abrechnung der Finanzen im Rahmen des Finanzberichtes. Dank der Spenden und Zurückhaltung bei den Ausgaben sei die Liquidität jederzeit gewährleistet gewesen. Da jedoch weitere Anschaffungen erforderlich sind, seien Spenden immer sehr willkommen und notwendig.
Ein erster Höhepunkt des Parteitages war das Referat von Pfr.i.R. Winfried Amelung zum Thema der Komplementarität. Er erläuterte, auf der Grundlage biblischer Aussagen und naturwissenschaftlicher Tatsachen, dass sich gegensätzliche Begriffe nicht unbedingt ausschließen, sondern durchaus ergänzen können. Als Beispiel nannte er außerdem die mit der Wende 1989 gewonnene Freiheit, die erst in Ergänzung mit der Verantwortung eine neue Würde ergibt. Der Fakt, andere Meinungen als Ergänzung und nicht grundsätzlich als Gegenposition zu betrachten, sei bei der demokratischen Meinungsbildung innerhalb einer Partei unerlässlich.
Die Schwerpunkte der Arbeit im Bundesverband erläutert Dieter Burr in seinem Referat. Er sprach über die strategische bzw. programmatische Ausrichtung der Bundespartei. Hier sei die Mitarbeit vieler, auch Nichtparteimitglieder, gefordert. Wenn die Gesellschaft in Verantwortung vor Gott, den Mitmenschen und der Schöpfung verändert werden soll, dann seien Wissen, Ideen, und Mut zu umfassenden Neugestaltungen und immer wieder das Gebet gefragt. Kathleen Tischler ist als Mitglied der Bundesprogrammkommission Ansprechpartner für die sächsischen Mitglieder und Interessenten, die hier gerne mitarbeiten möchten.
Eine ausgedehnte Kaffeepause wurde zu Gesprächen und regem Austausch unter den Mitgliedern und auch mit den Gästen genutzt.
Zur geplanten Verstärkung der Arbeit an der Basis sprach zuerst Jonathan van Tongeren aus den Niederlanden. An Hand eines Beispieles seiner Parteiarbeit führte er aus, wie eine noch junge Partei gesehen und respektiert wird, wenn sie sich vor Ort einmischt und mit Kreativität und Engagement hilft, konkrete Probleme zu lösen.
Anschließend referierte Maik Förster zu seiner Arbeit als unabhängiger Abgeordneter im Kreistag von Bautzen, Stadtrat von Pulsnitz und Ortschaftsrat in Oberlichtenau. Er berichtete sehr anschaulich und motivierend, wie er die Wahlkämpfe der letzten Monate, bis hin zur Landtagswahl, bestritten hat.
Für seine Arbeit in den Parlamenten gilt das Motto: „keine Sitzung ohne Antrag!". Am Beispiel einer von ihm initiierten Lösung zur dezentralen Unterbringung von Asylbewerbern erläuterte er die Möglichkeiten einer positiven Einflussnahme und der Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten in der Kommunalpolitik. Nach seinen Worten sind Engagement vor Ort und die Authentizität der politisch Aktiven die Grundvoraussetzungen erfolgreicher Parteipolitik. Weiterhin betonte er die Notwendigkeit der ständigen Präsenz im Internet sowie der Presse.
Auf Anfrage steht Herr Förster den an Basisarbeit interessierten Mitgliedern unserer sächsischen Partei zukünftig beratend zur Verfügung.
Insgesamt ist, resultierend aus den genannten strategischen Schwerpunkten dieses Parteitags, jedes Mitglied unseres Verbandes gefordert, sich entsprechend persönlich zu positionieren.
Source: http://www.auf-partei.de/newsdetails/1-landesparteitag-der-auf-in-sachsen-bericht/
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Founding congress BCD
In spite of the fact that the venue for the congress was provided only a day and a half before the event, the organizers managed to gather 311 delegates and app. 300 guests. Among the guests there were Stanislau Shushkevich, Viachaslau Siuchyk, Aliaksei Janukevich, Viktar Karnienka, Juras Hubarevich, Ales Lahviniets, Liudmila Hraznova, Ambassadors of United Kingdom and Hungary in Belarus, representatives of the diplomatic missions of the USA, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Lithuania, Latvia, delegates from Christian democratic parties of Norway, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Ukraine, representatives of the European Parliament, priests of different Christian churches.
The participants of the Congress were also greeted by the leader of Christian Democratic Union of Germany, Ronald Pofalla, the leader of the European Parliament delegation on Belarus affairs Jacek Protasievicz, Prime-Minister of Lithuania, Chairman of Christian Democratic party of Lithuania Homeland Union Andrius Kubilius, and also Christian democratic parties of Moldova, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Finland and Georgia.
The most important political decision was taken regarding participation of BCD in local elections in the year 2010 and presidential elections in the year 2011.
The delegates of the congress decided to support their party candidate for presidency, Vital Rymasheuski, and to form his initiative group. Vital Rymasheuski will be suggested as a single candidate from the Belarusian Pro-Independence Block, and he can withdraw his candidature to the advantage of another candidate in case the latter forms a bigger initiative group.
The delegates from Kobryn were stopped by the traffic police three times on their way to Minsk the night before October 31. The policemen checked the passport details of the BCD members. The delegates arrived to the Congress only in the morning.
Three cars from Babruisk were stopped on their way to the Congress as well. The whole delegation with Taisia Kabanchuk as a head was kept for more than an hour - the police checked the cars and the documents. In the end two women were fined for not wearing the safety belts in the back seat.
Two cars were stopped in Slutsk early in the morning on October 31. The first one, driven by the leader of the local BCD organization Viktar Dvurechanski, was soon released; the other was kept for several hours in the police department to check the passport details of the delegates. As a result the car with the Vice-Chairman of the Slutsk BCD organization Maksim Jurchankou was late to the Congress for several hours. The delegates arrived only to the second half of the congress.
The delegate to the Congress from Pinsk Paval Dzenisevich was stopped by the police at the local railway station after he bought a ticket to Minsk, and was kept for passport control until his train left. As soon as the last train which the delegate could possibly take to get to the Congress on time left, the policemen apologised to Dzenisevich and let him go.
The BCD member from Brest Aliaksandr K. was called for interrogation to the office of KGB. They demanded that he should withdrawal hissignature as a BCD founder. Moreover, KGB threatened that Aliaksandr and his girlfriend, who studies at the local University, would have problems.
On October 31 in the morning there was a picturesque view at the Kastrychnickaya square in Minsk (possible variant of location of the Congress). The members of BCD Mikalai Artsiuhou and Ales Ilkevich who came to the square reported on the following: 4 traffic police cars, riot police and police motorcycles rode around the square in a chain.
I never saw something like that in the center of Minsk. I think it is connected with the promise of the Minister of Internal Affairs Kuliashou to break up the BCD Congress in any case. It proves that the authorities wanted to interfere with the Congress and took certain actions towards it, but this wish was kept on a short leash due to the coming decision of the EU with regard to the sanctions, - stated the leader of BCD Paval Sieviarynets in his interview to the press-center of the Belarusian Christian Democracy.
Monday, September 28, 2009
NO means NO !

2nd referendum in Ireland about the Lisbon Treaty – October 2, 2009
The EU concerns us all!
The Lisbon Treaty
will provide the legal foundation for the whole EU
in order to become effective must be ratified by all 27 member states
was already turned down as a „constitutional treaty" in 2005 by voters in national referendums in France and the Netherlands
was turned down as the „Lisbon Treaty" in July 2008 by the Irish population
the populations of the other EU countries were not even asked to vote
The 2nd referendum
In order to convince the Irish electorate to vote Yes, their own government and the EU Council have made – legally non-binding – promises regarding neutrality, their own EU commissioner, tax law and abortion. However, they will be voting a second time on exactly the same contract as before.
In our view, it is just as undemocratic to have an electorate vote on the same issue twice as it is to simply ignore the three previous plebiscites.
The Lisbon Treaty would seriously impact the lives of all EU citizens for decades to come. Any later amendment of the treaty after its ratification would be extremely difficult.
If the Irish voters were to vote No for a second time, it would provide us with a unique opportunity to discuss in a Europe-wide grass-roots process the content of a new treaty and to contribute to its development.
Committed people throughout Europe have got together in order to build a new and better European Union.
We say YES to a peaceful, social, ecological and democratic Europe, but NO to the militarisation of the EU, its neoliberal orientation and the erosion of democratic rights.
We say YES to a democratic new beginning.
In order to make this new beginning possible, we need your help.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
European Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Wrap-up of the Summer School
After the parliament game there was a panel discussion bringing together all the contributions of different speakers during the summer school and trying to find out what the common denominator was.
After this political working groups were started which were immediately joined by many of the participants of the summer school:
1. Church, State, Civil Society and the Public Domain (CSCSPD)
2. Human Dignity
3. Europe and co.
The working groups will write policy documents which can be used by ECPYN and set up projects. The day was concluded with both an oral, plenary and a written, individual evaluation of the summer school. The general feeling was that the week had gone by too fast, while it seemed at the same time more than a week, because so much was done.
Congress adopts new statutes, resolutions and board
Razvan Burleanu (Rumania) was elected as president of ECPYN and Nutsa Shavladze (Georgia) and Vladimir Plamadeala (Moldova) were elected to the board.
The cherry on the cake was a presentation by the chairman of the Christian Democratic Union of Youth (CDUY) of Ukraine. This organisation was admitted by the congress as observer member.
After the meeting of the congress the attendants toasted to the results with a well-deserved drink on a terrace nearby.
Church and State, vertical and horizontal integration, Costs of the Balkan conflict
Jonathan put forward the hypothesis that the battle between church and state has become an important part of European identity, since the balance in the marriage of those two was lost, which resulted in an ongoing violent divorce of church and state, in which the state keeps intimidating, abusing and violating the church. He argued hence that the separation of church and state may be a nice idea, but is does neither exist nor apply to concrete reality. He went on to argue that as Christians we should always be skeptical of abstract notions like separation of church and state, equality, free market, democracy et cetera. If such concepts are applied in an ideological way they can be very dangerous. Especially because there is no equally strong entity left in society to stand up against the state in case of violation of natural law, biblical norms or moral ethics in general.
After a break former minister of finance and now member of parliament of Albania, Arben Malai spoke to the congress about the costs of the Balkan conflict. He also discussed how long it would take for Balkan countries to catch up with Western Europe in an economic sense, concerning which he presented some staggering figures.
After dinner Henk Jan van Schothorst, political advisor of the SGP at the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) and former policy advisor to an MEP and coordinator Foreign Affairs for the, now defunct, European Political Group Independence/Democracy (IND/DEM), spoke about the reasons for starting European integration after the Second World War, the most important of which was obviously to have stability and peace. He then drew lines regarding stability and peace to our present time and the future.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
European identity, pipeline diplomacy, geo politics and young leaders
After a coffee break the group split up for two workshops, by Jacques Bazen (Netherlands) and Razvan Burleanu (Rumania) respectively. Jacques Bazen spoke about pipeline diplomacy and European energy policy, starting out by explaining the historical development of geo politics. Razvan Burleanu discussed the role of young Christian politicians and societal leaders and what can be opportunities for them especially in South East Europe.
After a well deserved lunch we went to see the Roman mosaics near Risan.
Excursion to Cetinje, Budva and Kotor
From inland Cetinje the group went on to the old town of Budva down at the lagune. Historically Budva has not been part of Montenegro for some time, but was occupied consequently by the Venetians, who built a citadel which can still be seen there, and the Austro-Hungarians.
After Budva we visited Kotor with a lot of palazzo's and the castle of St. John on top of the mountain.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Commemorating one year of the Russian-georgian war
Stop Russia! Russia – Go home!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
How to have a European identity outside the EU
At the end of the afternoon the conference was addressed by Stieneke van der Graaf, who is an elected representative in the provincial legislature of Groningen (one of the 12 provinces of the Netherlands, with some 574.000 inhabitants). She talked about how she became involved in politics as a young person and soon became the youngest member of the legislature at 22 years of age. She also talked about what it means to be involved in politics as a young person and what she sees as her mission, to serve society. She went on to discuss her candidacy for the European Parliament and the campaign and how this was another new experience, especially becoming known to people all across the Netherlands.
When speaking about her work in the provincial legislature she also mentioned a recent success she had regarding the concept of 'family group conference'. At first there was some resistance to her motion, but in the end a majority supported it and in a few months it will be discussed how this can be legislated. It goes to prove, that even though caution is a good thing, politics does not always have to be a slow thing; things can be made to happen quickly if the political will is there.
Europe between identity and integration
- the American identity and
- the attempt to create and identity of a new Soviet Socialist Man.
He went on to ask the question of whether there has ever been a common European identity, concluding that there has been a common Christian identity in Europe in the early Middle Ages.
At present there is, according to Renner, no identifiable European identity that is shared by a majority let alone all of Europeans. There are two components that can contribute to the evolution of a European identity: European enlargement and EU integration. He explained this by talking about the consequent enlargements of the EU and prospect enlargements, successes and disappointments of the enlargements of the EU.
His conclusion was that there has been a lot of enlargement, little integration and a non-existent or hardly existent European identity and that this identity can only come about when enlargement is accompanied by integration. This conclusion resulted in a lot of discussion.
Preservation of Christian identity in the process of integration
He started by observing that Christians are citizens of another kingdom, of a city that is yet to come. He referred to the French revolutionary philosopher Rousseau, who, for this same reason, argued that Christians can not be dependable citizens for a secular state. He then went on to speak about the Jews that preserved their community's identity when in exile in Egypt and Babylonia, while at the same time being actively involved in politics. The Jews did not have their own political party to defend their interest, but still some managed to preserve their identity to a large extent. We would expect them to have been fully assimilated.
Later on many authoritative Jewish authors realized that the dominance of Hellenic culture posed a greater threat to the Jewish identity. For example even priests were attending the games of gladiators. When the Hellenic dominance became to obvious and Romans invaded Israel, the Macabees fought them with guerilla tactics.
So the Jews preserved their identity even though they did not have their own state, but they were actively involved in politics.
This could be a model for us Christians: to preserve the identity of our community, while being actively involved in politics, but not identitfying with any political system.
Father Perovic then spoke about the relation between church and state in Montenegro. The inheritance of communism is that people are afraid to integrate their beliefs into politics. The relation between church and state is not described, but the religious communities want to take the lead in changing this and the European Christian Political Movement (ECPM) has been instrumental in this.
Separation of politics and moral ethics
Monday, June 22, 2009
French FRS party renamed Christian-Democratic Party
The change of name from FRS to PCD is intended for being more explicit about what the party stands for and represents within the UMP and in the political and societal debate and discourse.
The new website of the party can be found here: http://www.partichretiendemocrate.fr/

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Rezolutia “albirii” de sangele de pe maini a criminalului Ion Iliescu de catre procurorii “civili”
str.Batistei nr.11,sect.2, Bucuresti, Romania, tel/fax:021.310.73.32, 0766.482.999
0724.178.998, www.avmr.ro
Scrisoare deschisa adresata
Presedintelui Romaniei domnului Traian Basescu
Ministrului Justitiei domnului Catalin Marian Predoiu
Procurorului General al Romaniei doamnei Laura Codruta Kovesi
Cu privire la Rezolutia nr.426/VIII-1/2009 din dosarul nr. 175/P/2008 privind evenimentele din 13-15 iunie 1990 a Parchetului de pe langa Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie
- Rezolutia “albirii” de sangele de pe maini a criminalului Ion Iliescu de catre procurorii “civili” -
Iunie 2009, Bucuresti
Excelentei Sale Presedintele Romaniei domnului Traian Basescu Excelentelor Sale “responsabili” ai actului de Justitie din Romania
Noi, reprezentanti ai Victimelor Mineriadei din iunie 1990, ne adresam Excelentelor voastre, garanti ai actului de Justitie din Romania, excedati, scarbiti si jigniti de profilul actual al Justitiei romanesti, care si-a dat masura deplina prin Rezolutia procurorilor in cazul Ion Iliescu si al complicilor sai, vinovati de Represiunea din iunie 1990.

Astazi, 18 iunie 2009, procurorii Sectiei de Urmarire Penala si Criminalistica din cadrul Parchetului de pe langa Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie au dispus, prin rezolutia din dosarul nr. 175/P/2008 privind evenimentele din 13-15 iunie 1990, scoaterea de sub urmarire penala a invinuitilor din dosarul Mineriadei, intre care se afla marea majoritatea complicilor si acolitilor lui Ion Iliescu, de la Petre Roman, Virgil Magureanu la Chitac, Cico Dumitrescu, Diamandescu, Stanculescu etc. Procurorii civili pretind ca Iliescu Ion este nevinovat – „sub aspectul savarsirii infractiunilor de propaganda pentru razboi (intrucat lipseste unul din elementele constitutive ale infractiunii), genocid (intrucat fapta nu exista), tratamente neomenoase (lipseste unul dintre elementele constitutive ale infractiunii), complicitate la tortura (intrucat fapta nu era prevazuta de legea penala la momentul savarsirii acestora)”.
Consideram aceasta Rezolutie drept o forma grava de coruptie a Justitiei romane, direct implicata in salvarea lui Ion Iliescu si a acolitilor sai de raspunderea penala in cazul Mineriadei din 1990. Au trecut 19 ani si consideram ca se intrunesc elementele de tergiversare a rezolvarii dosarelor represiunii din iunie 1990 (Mineriada iunie 1990). Va rugam sa luati act de incercarile repetate de musamalizare a Dosarului Mineriadei iunie 1990 realizate de reprezentantii Justitiei Romane in scopul protejarii vinovatilor represiunii din iunie 1990.
In urma Mineriadei din iunie 1990 a rezultat un numar de 756 de raniti, peste 1300 de bucuresteni batuti si retinuti abuziv (intre 2 si 60 de zile), 4 morti prin impuscare, 18 raniti prin impuscare recunoscuti oficial, in realitate fiind peste 100 de persoane care au decedat, majoritatea in urma loviturilor primite in cap si in alte parti vitale, lovituri primite de la mineri in 14-16 iunie.

In data de 18.02.1997, ca urmare a plangerii penale colective depusa de Asociatia Victimelor Mineriadelor 1990-1991 din Romania, s-a format “Dosarul Mineriadei iunie 1990” cu nr. 5358/P/1997. Deoarece dosarul cuprindea civili si militari, s-a mai depus o Plangere Penala impotriva civililor vinovati de represiunea din iunie 1990, in aprilie, dosar nr. 12375/P/1997, pentru urgentarea cercetarilor.
Initial dosarele au fost repartizate catre Sectia Civila a Parchetului General, insa au fost declinate catre Sectia Militara din Parchetul General. S-au comasat dosarele 5358/P/1997 si 12375/P/1997 formandu-se dosarul unic cu nr. 160/P/1997.
Procurorul militar Dan Voinea a impartit Dosarul 160/P/1997 in 4 dosare si anume: dosarul 74/P/1998 ; 75/P/1998 ; 76/P/1998 ; 77/P/1998:
1. Dosarul Penal 74/P/1998 privind uciderile prin impuscare ale victimelor: Lepadatu Mitrita, Mocanu Velicu Valentin, Dunca Gheorghe, Drumea Dragos si a altor 18 raniti prin impuscare.
2. Dosarul Penal 75/P/1998 privind faptele unor persoane cu responsabilitati de stat, ce se presupune ca au dispus sau acceptat ca la solutiunile de restabilire a ordinii publice sa participe, alaturi de organele abilitate, si unele categorii ale populatiei civile (in special mineri), desi legea si Constitutia nu permiteau asemenea cooperari.
3. Dosarul Penal 76/P/1998 privind verificarea legalitatii statelor de plata intocmite la nivelul exploatarilor miniere din bazinul carbonifer Valea Jiului pe perioada cat minerii s-au aflat in Capitala.
4. Dosarul Penal 77/P/1998 privind sesizarea Asociatiei Victimelor Mineriadelor 1990-1991 din Romania, din care rezulta ca numarul victimelor ucise este mult mai mare decat cel comunicat oficial, respectiv 100 – 160 in loc de 6.
Ulterior, aceste dosare au capatat trasee din ce in ce mai tenebroase, ramanand, anul trecut, in curs de cercetare la sectia de urmarire penala si criminalistica, dosarele nr.1122/P/2007 si nr. 175/P/2008 formate din resturile dosarelor de mai sus, disjunse si fragmentate pana la aneantizare. In ceea ce priveste dosarul nr.1122/P/2007 procurorii au emis deja un NUP, la data de 10 octombrie 2008, pe care l-am contestat in instanta, iar acum avem aceeasi situatie si in cazul celui de-al doilea dosar cu nr. 175/P/2008.
Am adus, in urma cu un an, la cunostinta Presedintiei, Ministerului Justitiei si Parchetului General, intr-o forma sintetica, istoricul acestui Dosar, fragmentarile sale, datele principale si informatiile de substanta juridical, considerand ca Excelentele voastre sunteti ultima resursa de salvare a credibilitatii Statului Roman.
In nenumarate randuri ne-am adresat Excelentelor voastre, in vederea sustinerii actului de justitie in cazul acestui dosar cheie al Justitiei romanesti, care a fost tergiversat, musamalizat si mistificat vreme de mai bine de un deceniu, dupa cum stiti prea bine si Excelentele voastre. Situatia acestui Dosar, malversatiunile, presiunile si manevrele efectuate de reprezentanti de varf ai statului roman, implicati direct, au aruncat o pata rusinoasa asupra credibilitatii Romaniei ca stat de drept.
V-am adresat numeroase memorii si plangeri cu privire la represiunea din iunie 1990 cuprinsa in ,,Dosarul Mineriadei iunie 1990”, v-am precizat si completat date care au conturat clar istoricul acestui Dosar, in vederea sprijinirii eforturilor de aflare a adevarului si pedepsire a vinovatilor, in interesul dreptatii, adevarului, Justitiei si al victimelor.
Am incercat, prin toate mijloace legale, sa ne aducem contributia in vederea deslusirii itelor acestui controversat episod al Justitiei romanesti. Timp de un deceniu si jumatate ne-am adresat tuturor responsabililor Justitiei, la toate nivelele de autoritate.
Am pus la dispozitia procurorilor, de-a lungul anilor, toate probele si datele necesare procesului juridic. Am adus la cunostinta opiniei publice, sistematic, prin toate canalele media la care am avut acces, elementele acestui dosar, informatii relevante cu privire la vinovati. Am epuizat toate formele imaginabile de protest legal (inclusiv greva foamei) fata de institutiile implicate in tergiversarea Dosarului.
Cunoastem implicatiile majore ale acestui Dosar si inferentele politice ce privesc acest caz. S-au executat adevarate operatiuni de intoxicare si dezinformare a opiniei publice, in care s-au intrebuintat resurse dintre cele mai diverse, inclusiv cu concursul unor reprezentanti de varf ai Statului din Justitie si din alte institutii.
Intentionam, ca reprezentanti legali ai victimelor represiunii ordonata de Ion Iliescu si acolitii sai, sa chemam Statul Roman in judecata in fata forurilor europene si internationale. Va aducem la cunostinta, Excelentelor, in modul cel mai ferm, ca actiunea noastra juridica impotriva Statului Roman nu urmareste culpabilizarea Romaniei in fata forurilor internationale si acuzarea grosso modo a reprezentantilor statului roman ci tocmai eliberarea Romaniei de aceasta grea povara a elementelor corupte din Parchet si sistemul politic.
Reteaua de complicitati a unor personaje vinovate de crime impotriva umanitatii (imprescriptibile), instigare la razboi civil, de grave actiuni impotriva cetatenilor romani, poate fi scoasa la iveala si poate fi expusa prin actiunea noastra juridica, la nivelul Tribunalului Penal International.
Anul trecut, intr-un interviu acordat BBC in data de 13.06.2008, Presedintele Romaniei Traian Basescu a declarat “ca forta celor implicati in mineriada din iunie 1990 de a controla Justitia explica lipsa de condamnari in acest caz. Voi sustine public intotdeauna nevoia de aflare a adevarului pentru mineriada din 13-15 iunie, precum si pentru revolutie".
Doamna procuror general Laura Codruta Kovesi ne-a asigurat, in repetate randuri, ca Dosarul Mineriadei va fi rezolvat “cu celeritate”, iar ministrul Justitiei, Catalin Predoiu, ne-a garantat personal, in calitate de fost membru al Ligii Studentilor, ca va avea grija ca acest Dosar sa fie finalizat.
Domnul presedinte nu ne-a garantat nimic, dar ne-a adus la cunostinta ca va face totul pentru “aflarea adevarului”, adevar pe care noi il cunoastem inaintea altora, deoarece am trait pe pielea noastra “evenimentele”.
Intelegem acum cu totii, abia acum, in ce sens s-a gandit “finalizarea”…

Mai mult, pe langa aceasta “finalizare” reusita de procurori, asistam, mai nou, la eforturi mistificatoare, de “preluare” si “prelucrare” a temei Mineriadei depuse de personaje care se legitimeaza utilizand numele presedintelui Romaniei, personaje cu rol comisarial, ca Vladimir Tismaneanu, Sorin Iliesiu, ferventi sustinatori ai generalului Dan Voinea, unul dintre factorii cheie ai matrasirii Dosarului Mineriadei, angajat recent in subordinea premierului PDL Emil Boc, pe langa secretarul de stat (liberal!) Marius Oprea, tzutzarul premierului de trista amintire Calin Popescu Tariceanu.
Eforturilor comisarilor Tismaneanu si Iliesiu li s-a adaugat sustinerea lui Valeriu Stoica, fostul ministru al Justitiei din perioada Conventiei Democrate a lui Emil Constantinescu - cel care l-a proptit pe generalul Dan Voinea in pozitia de control asupra Dosarului Mineriadei, cu rezultatele cunoscute deja.
Culmea, maleficul Dan Voinea a fost dat afara din Justitia militara tocmai de Excelentele voastre, printre altele “pentru tergiversarea si musamalizarea Dosarului Mineriadei”, pentru a cita din spusele doamnei procuror general.
Treaba inceputa de generalul Voinea a fost acum dusa la bun sfarsit de procurorii “civili”, exact in momentul simbolic al implinirii a 19 ani de la evenimentele sangeroase, care ne-au transformat pe noi in victime si pe Dvs. in oameni politici.
La apropierea pragului celor doua decenii de cand poporul roman s-a ales cu o infamanta eticheta, de “stupid people”, aplicata de superiorul lui Ion Iliescu, fostul cadru NKVD, Silviu Brucan (renuvelat in postura de fondator al GDS), constatam, cu tristete, ca ni se potriveste pe deplin, mai ales noua, victimelor care am crezut in Dvs, sictirul batranului bolsevic.
Sictirul a ajuns insa sa ne stigmatizeze prin contributia autoritatilor statului – pe care il reprezentati, Excelentele voastre, la varf.
Va multumim, in numele victimelor, ca v-ati batut joc de noi cu atat iscusinta si va uram sa aveti parte de exact aceeasi traseu (mai exact dara) care va ramane si dupa Ion Iliescu, in constiinta generatiilor viitoare.
Cu inalta consideratie
Presedinte A.V.M.R. Viorel Ene
subscriu si urmatoarele organizatii formate din membri fondatori ai Pietei Universitatii:
Grupul Independent pentru Democratie
CivicNet – Piata Universitatii
Seniorii Ligii Studentilor
Friday, June 5, 2009
Dutch elections for the European Parliament
The winner of the elections was the right wing populist PVV (Party for Freedom) of Geert Wilders, it won 4 seats.
Another worrying development are the gains for the social-liberals of D66, that added 2 seats to the 1 it allready held.
There were severe losses for the liberal-conservative CDA (from 7 to 5) and especially the 'PvdA' Labour Party (from 7 to 3). The Socialist Party and the Christian Union - SGP held its two respective seats. Green Left also retained its two seats.
The liberals of the VVD lost 1 of their 4 seats, whereas they had been expected to loose 2. Both Geert Wilders of the PVV and Mark Rutte of the VVD argued that the loss for CDA and PvdA should imply changes in the course of the government. André Rouvoet and Peter van Dalen of the Christian Union party asserted that CU-SGP gained votes and voter share even though it participates in the government coalition.
There is still one seat left that may either go to the Party for Freedom or the Green Left.
Later today the remaining 8 percent of the results will be released and on Sunday the official result will be known, including information on candidates that may have been elected by preference votes.
Result after 92% of the vote:
CDA: 5 (7)
PVV: 4 (0)
PvdA: 3 (7)
VVD: 3 (4)
D66: 3 (1)
GL: 3 (2)*
SP: 2 (2)
CU: 2 (2)
* The third seat of the GreenLeft is uncertain, it may stil go to the PVV.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Leo van Doesburg has a new blogspot!

He writes:
"For a long time, people tried to convince me to make a blogspot where I could say a little bit about my travels, the things that are happening in Eastern Europe and my personal thoughts. However, I never have had time or opportunity to create one,"
but now he has started blogging after all. Read more at: http://leocelmare.blogspot.com!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Ajutor pentru victimele regimului comunist din Basarabia
Asociaţia Pentru Apărarea Drepturilor Apatrizilor şi Refugiaţilor (A.P.A.D.A.R.)
Asociaţia Victimelor Mineriadelor 1990-1991 din România (A.V.M.R.)
AVMR şi APADAR denunţă regimul opresiv comunist din Republica Moldova şi condamnă frauda electorală masivă de la alegerile din 5 aprilie.
Regimul mafiot de la Chişinău, sprijinit de căte serviciile secrete ex-comuniste au lansat în Republica Moldova o nouă represiune împotriva tinerilor ce au contestat rezultatul alegerilor câştigate în mod fraudulos de către comunişti. În acest moment, tinerii care au ieşit pentru libertate, strigând "Jos comunismul" la Chişinău, sunt urmăriţi, ridicaţi din case, de pe stradă, din spitale, fiind maltrataţi, viaţa şi libertatea acestora fiind în pericol.
Având în vedere încălcarea flagrantă a drepturilor omului din Republica Moldova, solicităm Înaltului Comisariat al ONU pentru Refugiaţi să ia măsuri grabnice pentru protejarea opozanţilor anti-comunişti de la Chişinău, şi să denunţe agresiunile şi atrocităţile comise de autorităţi împotriva acestora şi a familiilor lor.
Având experienţa tristă a evenimentelor din 13-15 iunie 1990 din România, când foarte mulţi protestatari ai Pieţei Universităţii răniţi sau schilodiţi de către mineri şi forţele represive ale regimului Iliescu s-au refugiat în alte ţări din Occident solicitând azil politic, îi asigurăm pe toţi cetăţenii basarabeni ameninţaţi de represalii, de sprijinul nostru în condiţiile refugierii lor în România – în faţa agresiunilor regimului stalinist Voronin.
Asociaţia Pentru Apărarea Drepturilor Apatrizilor şi Refugiaţilor acordă consiliere şi asistenţă juridică pe teritoriul României tuturor persoanelor care suferă represiunile regimului comunist Voronin din Basarabia.
Persoanele agresate, familiile acestora şi toţi cei interesaţi în a obţine informaţii, consiliere, Asistenţă juridică sau ajutor, sunt rugaţi să ne contacteze la:
Telefon (0040) 728178998, (0040) 766482999, (0040) 727673376.
Mai multe informaţii pe www.apadar.ro
Ene Viorel
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Congress for ECPYN memberorganisations in Western Europe
Dear reader,
We warmly invite you to join us in Hellenthal, Germany (near Aix-la-Chapelle), March 27 – 29, for the Regional Conference for Western Europe of the European Christian Political Youth Network (ECPYN). This mini-conference will be a training weekend for up to twenty young people involved in political organisations from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France and Switzerland.
The weekend will include workshops on ‘internal organisation and training of young people in executive positions’, ‘making your political positions known effectively’ in politics and in the media for example and ‘setting up local branches that last’. Most workshops will be given by experienced people of PerspectivE.
PerspectivE is the youth organisation of the Christian Union party and with some 2.500 members the second largest political youth organisation of the Netherlands. Other speakers include Kris Vleugels, vice president of the European Christian Political Movement (ECPM) and Dick van Dijk, auditor for the Directorate General for Regional policy of the European Commission and international secretary of the Christian Union party.
If you are not yet acquainted with ECPYN, this will also be a good occasion to learn more about our organisation and what it stands for. It is obviously also a good opportunity for meeting politically involved young Christians from neighbouring countries.
You can participate in this training weekend for only 35,- EUR. This includes accommodations, breakfast, lunch and tea/coffee. You can find more information and a full programme of this event at www.ecpyn.org/westerneurope .
On the website you will find an application form. We hope that you will be able to join us for this event that promises to be very educative and inspiring. Of course you are free to bring others to this event, simply complete the registration form and send it in. In case you might not be able to be there yourself, please pass this invitation on to others in your organisation who might. Please remember to send in your registration form before February 22.
If you have any questions regarding the conference, please feel free to contact Auke Minnema, Secretary of Regional Meetings, who will be coordinating it (by e-mail: rm@ecpyn.org or check the website).
We are looking forward to seeing you at our conference in Hellenthal and hope to hear from you soon!
Kind regards, on behalf of Jonathan van Tongeren (Secretary General),
Auke Minnema
Secretary of Regional Meetings